Thursday 3 July 2008

Star Mile.

"If you can't handle me at my worst, you sure as hell don't deserve me at my best." 

- Marilyn Monroe

I couldn't agree more.

I feel absolutely shit today. My throat is itching and my eyes are watery. My nose is blocked and I just can't breathe properly. My head has hurt all day and I spent most of my time in bed. Is it too much to ask to just have someone to make me feel happy or to be happy with?

Sure you're going through your problems, and you know that I'm always here for you. But maybe this time I need you to be there for me. Did you ever consider that? I'm just mentally and physically exhausted but I have to put up this happy and sarcastic front so nobody knows what's going on inside my head. You say you can't live like this? 

Well neither can I.

I've listened to so many people over and over again, telling me about how they feel, telling me about all their problems and I am just out of answers. I just need someone to be here and be happy with me. I'm tired of hearing about how things suck. Why don't you for once share your happiness with me? Then at least I can feel something other than concern and worry.

So what if I act out from time to time? 

Deal with it.

If you can't, then to hell with this.
You don't deserve the best of me.

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