Friday 11 July 2008


Every blog needs a filler, and because I got "tagged". 
Well, I did promise the dirty truth.
Bear with me.

It could get emotional.

10 Years Ago, I...
1. Was 9 years old.
2. Learnt the reality of mortality.
3. Was let down by someone who was supposed to be my father.
4. Stood by my mom at a difficult time.
5. Was totally unfazed by suicide.

5 Years Ago, I...
1. Was 14.
2. Decided to switch high schools the following year.
3. Was friends with people I hardly speak to now. I wish I did.
4. Went to a friend's funeral.
5. Cried. Because I realised how hard it was to say goodbye.

3 Years Ago, I...
1. Was 16.
2. Met someone I fell in love with.
3. Got my first tattoo.
4. Bonded with my classmates. LL4L.
5. Was happy with my life.

A Year Ago, I...
1. Was 18.
2. Picked up my life and shifted it to KL. A decision I made in 1 day.
3. Learnt to let go.
4. Found out that I wasn't as strong as I thought.
5. Healed a broken heart.

So Far This Year, I...
1. Rekindled friendships that I can't imagine living without.
2. Met someone I wished I could have met earlier.
3. Fell in love with life.
4. Am one step closer to knowing who I am.
5. Am comfortable in my own skin, but know there's much improvement needed.

Yesterday, I....
1. Had a blast.
2. Drank sprite and mango rum.
3. Sang at the top of my lungs to any song that came to mind.
4. Laughed until I had a coughing fit.
5. Decided what I want for my future.

Today, I ....
1. Woke up at 11am.
2. Waited for someone to call.
3. Called him instead.
4. Made lunch plans.
5. Am going to be happy.

Tomorrow I will...
1. Party my gargantuan ass off.
2. Drink my worries away.
3. Disregard that it's my last night here.
4. Hug someone.
5. Try not to cry.

Real Name: Nadia.
Nickname: Juggernaut!
Married: Nope.
Male/Female: Female.
High school: Seri Insan, Maktab Nasional.
College: Taylor's College, Sunway College.
Are You A Healthy Freak?: No.
Do You Have A Crush On Someone?: I'd like to think I don't do crushes.
Do You Like Yourself?: It depends.

Surgery: What kind of question is this?
Person You See In The Morning: Myself.
Award: I don't remember.
Sport You Joined: ME? SPORTS?
Vacation: America. 
Drink: Whiskey and water, please.

I’m About To: Eat a Dorayaki.

Your future..
Want Kids: Adopted ones?
Want To Get Married: Yeah, if he's really rich and worships the ground I walk on.
Careers In Mind: Multifreakin' billionaire.

Which is better?
Lips Or Eyes?: Lips.
Hugs Or Kisses?: Hugs.
Shorter Or Taller?: Taller.
Romantic Or Spontaneous?: .. Realistic.
Sensitive Or Loud?: I like them loud.
Troublemaker Or Hesitant?: Troublemaker!

Have you ever..
Kissed A Stranger?: No. Wait. Maybe?
Drank Bubbles: Ew. No.
Lost Glasses / Contacts: Yes.
Ran Away From Home: Not.. really.
Liked Someone Younger: Nope.
Broke someone’s heart: I guess.
Been arrested: Nope.
Cried when someone died: Yup.

Do you believe in..
Yourself: I don't know.
Miracles: I don't know.
Magic: I want to.
Angels: I don't know.

Answer truthfully..
Is There Someone You Want To Be With Right Now?: Definitely.

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