Thursday 16 July 2009

Four Seasons.

"Why is it snowing in August?", the Earth asked the Sky. "What's happened with the Seasons to bring upon such unprediction?". The sky smiled and glimmered at the Earth. "My daughter, let me tell you of a tale, how do they say? Once upon a time.."


Neiva was the name of winter. Pecking the lips and noses of all that passed her, whispering her love for them. Though many frolicked in the white of her satin, none found comfort in her cold. Lonely was the cry of Neiva, her tears staining sidewalks, pooling into lakes of ice. For a moment few would glide on her sadness, and snowflakes fell from her laughter, she watched as they caught her joy in their mittens and tasted them on their tongues. Happiness was fleeting for Neiva, for when the night came, soon she was alone again. Never did anyone stay, though many liked the cold, no one ever loved it. Neiva was all that they knew in some parts of the world, but miserable was their existences being trapped living in such conditions.

Neiva was the name of winter, but all winter was, was a girl.


Ciro was the heat of summer. Bright and valiant, and loved. Adored was his arrival for what followed him meant the end of the days of ice. The cold melted in his fingertips and the ocean no longer crashed icy into the shore. In some parts of the world, the only season people knew was Ciro. Everyone welcomed him and danced in the rays of his smile. Pale bodies laid out on the earth and sand, waiting for Ciro to make them beautiful and bronzen. No one could ever get too close, no matter how much they loved the summer. For Ciro was also the Sun, and everyone knows what happens if you get too close.

Ciro was the name of summer, but all summer was, was a boy.

"Little did anyone know of the story of Neiva and Ciro. For one was the heat, and the other the cold. Opposites were they in every way, but somehow had they found each other. They met in the heavens in celebration of Luna's birthday, to which you, my dear Earth, know as the Lunar New Year." explained the Sky.

The Seasons Meet.

Neiva sat alone, most shying away from her cold. Some smiled and greeted her but would quickly walk by. She sighed and toyed with the icicles she made with her fingers, crushing them into fine shards and sprinkling them before her, watching it all disappear. Bored. Neiva was always bored.

She felt a tingle as a strong hand rested on her shoulder. She looked up and saw the adonis that was Ciro. "May I have this dance?", he said. His touch had melted away her sleeve, and water ran down her arm, but she did not care for this was the closest anyone had ever been. A concerto soon begun and they fell into a delicate minuet. His fire faltered from her touch and water trickled into his hands, but he did not care. For right now, she was the closest to him in the universe. Among the stars they danced and laughed, each making the other fade slowly away. Despite their differences, they knew they were the same. They were seasons.

"But they would have killed each other!" exclaimed the frightened Earth,
"Precisely." nodded the knowing Sky.

The Gods had sent Aspen and Anthea, the seasons of Autumn and Spring to pull them apart. Both were moderate Seasons that did not share the extremes of the other two. Angered by the interruption, Neiva had clawed Anthea across her chest, leaving traces of the cold in her flowers and Aspen, was struck across the head by Ciro, causing his head of leaves to fall burnt to the ground. It was the battle of the seasons.

"So this is why Spring is chilly, and Autumn leaves are the colour of the sun!" cried the Earth,
The Sky just smiled once again.

Neiva and Ciro ran for they had angered the Gods. Happy as they were, they were never meant to be. They ran across the days of time, hand in hand, taking each step as they came until finally, time had run out of days for them and the Gods caught up. They were banished forever to guard opposite chambers of the daughter of the Sky, never to meet, separated by Aspen and Anthea who would make sure their paths never crossed again. They would always be able to see each other, but could never touch. Centuries later, Ciro fell in love with Anthea and Neiva found her comfort in Aspen. Never though would the two seasons forget, their encounter in the heavens.

"That is why, my darling Earth, Winter is always friendlier when she sees the sunshine, and once in awhile, it snows in the Summer."

The snow in the Summer, is Neiva's message to Ciro, to tell him that she will never forget his touch, his face and his smile. And she knows, that wherever he is, he is happy, because once in awhile, she catches a glimpse of the sunshine.


No matter what happens to us, you're always going to be special to me.

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