Monday 27 July 2009

These Walls.

When I was younger, I'd always ask for things. Sometimes I get them, sometimes I don't and sometimes I'm told that it's not the right time- and that I needed to wait. So of course, at that moment I wouldn't understand and I'd throw the greatest of tantrums my little elementary-schooled self could muster.

As I grew older, I learnt the lesson of timing. Sometimes you want something, and you get it. But it's just not the right time. In the end, things turn out worse and more heartbreaking than to have not gotten it in the first place. Sometimes you're not ready for it, and sometimes it's just not ready for you.

I thought of a guy I used to be seeing who told me things tonight that I had never expected to hear from him and had these things been said a couple of months ago, it would have changed everything. We would have still been together.

I realised, It's the same with people, the same with relationships. It's about timing and circumstance. Everything in the world may feel right, but the timing and circumstance is just all wrong. As much as you'd like to make it all work, It just doesn't because you're not ready for each other. You force it and you break it, leaving bridges burnt.

The best thing you can do is leave them in the hands of someone who can care for them and love them, and hope that time heals everything and that love is on your side. We were broken but I know time can heal this. I hope like hell she takes care of you how I would, and when it's time for us, she will know. I loved you before and I can love you again, if it's meant for us.. our paths will cross again. If it's not and our moment has passed, then this is goodbye and I wish you all the love and happiness in the world. There's always the memories, and we have lost absolutely nothing.

For now, I'm happy with who I'm with and who I love. I wish only the same for you. Smile knowing that we were special, we were something, in one moment in time.

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